Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zack Snyder is directing the Superman reboot

As you all have no doubt been made aware, the Superman reboot apparently has a director: Zack Snyder.

At this point, we know that Chris Nolan is producing the film, David Goyer is writing it and now Snyder is directing it.

The entire purpose of this effort is far from complete however. What kind of script is Goyer writing? Is it something that pays tribute to the character and his history? Or is it yet another attempt at "modernization"?

To what extent will Nolan's influence be felt upon the production?

Will Nolan and Snyder be able to put aside their jaded view of humanity so prevalent in their respective films and emphasize the warmth, optimism and hope that have defined Superman for decades?

Can we at least be sure that Blandon Routh won't be coming back?

This is far from over.


  1. It's going to be a fun ride!

    I reckon one's thing's certain. It won't be anything like the last film.

  2. You can put your mind at ease about Brandon'BJ' Routhman. To quote Snyder from Variety: "Routh isn't likely to don the red and blue tights again, Snyder said." WHEW! That was close, wasn't it?! ;) The thing is, though, is that Welling will probably be out also due to Nolan doing his OWN take on things. Hopefully they'll get the casting right whoever they get. Link: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118025138.html?categoryid=13&cs=1

    General Zod is rumored to be the villain in the film. They could be great news.....or not.....depending on HOW they handle the characters AND story. The LAST thing we want is SUPERMAN 2: the NEW MOVIE! And PUH_LEAZZZEE..........NO MORE HOMAGES! As much as I liked Christopher Reeve as the character, no offense, but it's time to move on. Let THIS version be THE defining film version for THIS generation! Forget, 'swell'. Forget 'orange juice, freshly squeezed'. Forget 'the planet Houston'. Do something ORIGINAL this time!

    Some are concerned that Snyder is gonna give us a SLOW-MO Superman film. I've actually liked his films, especially WATCHMEN, even if it didn't take off with the general audience. Some are concerned with Nolan's REALISM & rightly so, but right NOW I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt. I mean, look what we had previously, Singer with his rag-fag crew, & look what we got: SINGERMAN!

    I think right now the ONLY direction IS up!

  3. The Routh thing is definitely good news.

    Honestly, I can live with Welling being eliminated from consideration... as long as Blandon is too. One thing NOBODY has explained to me is why in the hell BJ The Bartender should be considered for a second helping of pleather and misery while Welling should automatically be skipped over. If Welling is too associated with the part, isn't BJ Routhman? And hell, at least Welling's tenure with the character hasn't made a mockery or an intentional repudiation of everything Superman is supposed to stand for.

    If they're both skipped over because this is a reboot... well, I at least admire the intellectual honesty there.

    As for originality... AMEN, BROTHER! Donner made a great film but there's more to Superman than that.

    As to Zod... I've got serious problems there. In 2007 and '08, we got the Last Son arc in the comics where Zod was the central villain. In 2008 up through this year, we got a year and a half long arc where he was a MAJOR player. SV just wrapped up a season where Zod was the headlining baddie.

    Frankly, I've had my fill of Zod, esp since most of his charm revolves more around Terrence Stamp than the character himself.

    Oh well, at least Routh is gone. Hopefully we can get a more manly Superman instead of another motherfucking boyish metrosexual.

    - colors

  4. Thanks for that. Looks like they're not going to be wasting anytime either.

    Going to be very interesting. I wonder if Steve has any "inside" scoops?????

    In fact, did any of the "insiders" see any of this coming? It's obvious the Homopage is just cut and pasting all it's news

  5. Yeah, speaking of Steve, do you suppose that they're going to use HIS script? ;)

    I haven't checked yet but I bet you can find him over at that countingdown.com spewing all of his 'wisdom'. ;) Who wants to be first to confirm this? Ya know, someone ought to call him out over there, ya think?!

  6. It looks like our old friend 'SOLARIS' from over at duh Homopage is at it again:


    And I quote:

    "Very sad that Brandon will not be playing the role again. Absolutely loved him in the part, he embodied the character perfectly. They won't find another actor better suited for this role in this generation.

    And Snyder is a hack. He doesn't know how to create compelling characters. All his films are just style over substance. He seems so wrong for Superman, who is full of heart."

    The PROBLEM is, she's not the ONLY one still crying to bring back her 'BJ'! And as usual Terminal still seems to be bashing SMALLVILLE & TOM WELLING.

    I guess some things NEVER change, huh?! (rolls eyes)

  7. Oh yeah, the MostPowerfulSolarisGazer. Ugh! She's not a Superman fan. Hell, she's not even a Singerman fan. She's just a fan of Blandon BJ, and that's it. Over on Blue Tights, she posted (more than once) that sequel or reboot, if BJ The Bartender doesn't come back for the role, she won't see the movie.

    Now, putting aside how crappy BJ was in Singerman (and I know that's hard for some of you to do but just try), if you don't see a movie starring your alleged favorite superhero because of a different actor playing the part, you're not a fan of the character.

    Apologists and Routhettes draw lines in the sand like that. Superman fans are at least willing to see the movie before they bash the hell out of it.

    And as for all the Snyder bashing... look y'all, this ain't Shakespeare. Superman is an action hero. Trying to layer all kinds of bullshit character motivation only detracts from the epic action setpieces we should be getting. I don't need scene after didactic scene of Superman expositing what it means to be Superman and how conflicted he is over it. I want to see him kick Brainiac's ass.

    Shit, people watch a couple of indie movies and suddenly think they're experts on film, pisses me right off.

    You get the idea me and Solaris (and Apologists in general) don't get along?

    It's okay though, let duh Apologists have their little teary-eyed circle jerk over on the Younis page. Let 'em keep their venom contained over there.

    I am SO fucking done with the Apologists, I swear.

    - colors

  8. HEY! GET THIS! RE: http://www.supermanhomepage.com/news.php?readmore=8630#comments

    Some guy, although he liked his ol' BJ, dissed Singer for being gay as well as his writers. DUH APOLOGISTS cried foul! "Where's a mod?!" I just checked this link NOW. It went from 47 posts to 42 posts & I can't find the 'offender's posts' anywhere in site. Who wants to bet that HE has been banned?!

    Ya THINK?! ;)

  9. ...yeah, and in the mean time Terminal and company can say what they want about Smallville and/or Welling.....

    No, some things never change! This could be the best Superman movie ever and they'd still be blubbing about Singer and his inflatable sex doll Ruth missing out!

  10. Yeah, because Heaven forbid anybody have a dissenting opinion from Fuehrer Younis, Herr Bailey, Terminal Eichmann and the Apologist Youths.

    - colors

  11. http://www.joblo.com/index.php?id=34191#

    How true is this really? I'm sure I don't know. But it does fit "the twist" everyone's been talking about as well as the rushed timing.

    Frankly, all I want is a fucking Superman story where he turns back an alien invasion or something. I love Smallville but this sounds like the SV series arc distilled into a single movie. I love the show but I have zero interest in seeing that bullshit in a movie.

    I'm getting more and more pessimistic about this thing with each passing day. I hope to God that report is wrong.

    - colors

  12. Actually, to me, that description about Clark Kent traveling the world sounds more like BIRTHRIGHT than Smallville. I bought the Birthright mini-series on eBay a few years ago. I started to read it but never got past the 2nd or 3rd issue. I was sort of interested but guess I just didn't have the time or even to make the effort to finish it. Nevertheless one thing I DIDN'T like was 'VEGAN CLARK'. Clark as a vegetarian to me personally was a load of crap! It also reeked of some writer trying to force-feed us his new age views or something, at least that's how it seemed to me. And that whole bit about Clark being in Africa, what was the point in all of that?! Was that some 'P.C.' story-arc too? Nothing racial is intended here on my part but shouldn't the story have simply been Krypton & Metropolis, as well as Smallville?

    Personally I don't know if I'd put much stock in that article. That's obviously the type of thing that we're gonna have to put up with for the next couple of years. I mean, they just are about to start on the next Nolan Batman film, which comes out BEFORE Superman, so how then can Superman be rushed? Somehow that article strikes me as 'misinformation'.

    non_amos (IF that is indeed my real name) ;)

  13. By no means on topic but the Younis page is apparently reporting Michael Rosenbaum is open to returning to Smallville. I've been banned from the page and I'm too lazy to find a work around but that's the basic gist of it as far as I can gather.

    Considering that the reboot is guilty until proven innocent (moreso than ever right now), this news simply could not have come at a better time for me.

    - colors

  14. Rosenbaum interview sounds like they're just working out the money for a return.

    What is it going to take to get through to the sheep at the Homopage that this ISN'T going to be a continuation of Singerman??? Younis & Fagley should be ashamed of themselves.


  15. Hm. Are Younis and Bailey saying Snyderman is going to be a continuation of Singerman or something?

    - colors

  16. In terms of Superman news that doesn't completely depress me, here's some SV stuff from Ausiello.

    Question: Any new Smallville scoop? - Adelle
    Ausiello: Present-day Clark comes face-to-face with future Clark (a.k.a. Superman) in next Friday’s 200th episode.

    So Welling is going to wear the outfit in those scenes from Homecoming? Sounds cool to me.

    - colors

  17. Tonight's episode was OK I guess except for one major thing. WHY does Darkseid have to be a PHANTOM?! Or the equivalent?! Let's see now. The REAL Darkseid in the Superman comics is a big hulking figure that can give Superman a run for his money, mono y mono. On Smallville he's reverted to a SUPERNATURAL reject that looks like a flock of bats! And he 'possesses' people, complete with BLACK EYES! And don't forget that Zod was ALSO a phantom ( & then a clone).

    Let's call Sam & Dean Winchester to the rescue! Only they won't be sending him back to Hell but rather Apokolips. Hey, that's ironic, ain't it, especially with the storyline that there's been on Supernatural?

    Actually this sounds kinda like a joke but not really. I STILL remember that reported 'cross-over' between the 2 shows & it never happened. Wouldn't THIS be a perfect time? BOTH shows are based out of Kansas. BOTH shows are using supernatural elements, except on Smallville they're often alien in origin. I just wish they'd do this before it's too late.

    Oh, & Supernatural rocked tonight! ;)

  18. First time I stopped by here in a VERRRRY LOONG TIME...I can't believe you guys are STILL fawning over Smallville. The show is a joke.

    Evidently you need the picture painted...

    Smallville, from beginning to end has ALWAYS been about mindless soap, stalling, smoke and mirrors, bait and switch, and failed promises. ALWAYS.

    This is the last chance for the show to have at least ONE complete season to go out on a high note, and break the pattern of ALL the things wrong with the series listed above.

    Yeah, and like Wayne said, "Monkeys will fly out of my Butt".

    "So Welling is going to wear the outfit in those scenes from Homecoming? Sounds cool to me."

    You're kidding me, right?

    Get ready for the typical "FAILED PROMISE" and "BAIT AND SWITCH"! There will be no vividly CLEAR shot of Welling in costume as Superman. At best, ANY flying scene of Superman in the coming episode will be the typical blue and red "blur" streaking through the air.

    That's the most and best you can hope for. Welling won't be truly revealed as Superman until the last and final episode of the season. (Which is such a monumental waste of EVERYONE'S time).

    (Not to mention the fact that the costume you're all so anxiously waiting for Welling to wear is Routh's hand-me-down DRESS. That's a hoot in itself! It's HYSTERICAL!!! Welling in Routh's Tutu...Is THAT what you're watching the show for?)

    I think I wrote a very long time ago that the show had advanced WAY PAST the point where Clark should stop this childish see-sawing back and forth about making a decision and embracing his destiny as Superman.

    You have to be BRAIN DEAD to accept the insecurity and flip-flopping on the issue the character goes through every week at this point.

    It would be akin to a grown man, having LONG SINCE gone through puberty, still not coming to terms with it, and remaining confused about it...Scared of his own crotch.

    It's BEYOND ridiculous.

    It's my sincere belief that die hard fans of this show, those fans that watch every week and go online after EVERY episode and drool and coo to each other about how great last night's episode was are Masochists.

    A mentally and emotionally balanced and healthy person would write scathing reviews about this crap, not praise it.

    The only positive about the show is that Welling would make a great Big Screen Superman.

    That's not going to happen in ANYONE'S lifetime.

    Rake me over the coals if you want, feel free. I won't be back.

    (No wonder this place has dwindled down to the same 3 or 4 people.)

  19. Oooooo, Jer, such animosity! Such hostility! Who pissed in YOUR Corn Flakes?!

    Btw, didn't you say the LAST time you dropped by that THAT was the last time you'd be back? So who's to say THIS is REALLY your LAST time here?!

    To be fair though, I recall back when we still had the 'website' that you were one of the voices of reason in regard to the Superman franchise. I actually liked reading your posts. You basically stated that you are an older fan so I guess you knew what you were talking about. However, there was a LOT of Singer mudslinging & that can have a negative effect I suppose. To add insult to injury 'STEVE' abandons the site like his work was done, THEN starts this blog & abandons it also.

    You're right about ONE thing, there ain't many people who post here anymore. However, there are still apparently more REALISTS out there than there are APOLOGISTS. If there weren't, we'd probably already have a sequel to that abortion that was SINGERMAN. Duh apologists would have won. INSTEAD, there was enough uproar that WB won't touch THAT now with a 10-foot pole.

    As for SMALLVILLE, you are right about some of the things you said, 'bait & switch' & all of that. We know that Gough & Millar had that 'no tights, no flights' rule, which may have been OK for the first 3 seasons or so but that crap has long since worn out its' welcome. Clark STILL struggles with who he is & is having to have SUPERGIRL teach him to fly, & he STILL can't fly as evidenced by last night's episode! I myself think that stuff gets ridiculous after a while. The way he struggles emotionally you'd almost think he's Peter Parker instead of Clark Kent!

    You MAY be right about the suit also. The preview for next week showed a 'blur' on the cover of the paper that said 'SUPERMAN SAVES THE DAY'. We also saw Clark looking out a window & a 'blur' sped by. Even Season 10 will probably skirt the issue until the VERY end & even then we, the fans, may be robbed!

    Why?! Because of NOLAN, that's why! One of the MOST REQUESTED guest appearances on Smallville has been that of a 'YOUNG BRUCE WAYNE'. I think we can ALL guess why THAT didn't happen?! It would've interfered with Nolan's universe but you know what's strange? WB didn't mind SINGER doing HIS thing in spite of Smallville! So go figure! So in the same reasoning as the above 'young Bruce Wayne', I almost guarantee Nolan will NOT allow Smallville to usurp HIS plans. So we probably WILL be robbed at the end of Smallville, especially with it being that close to the new film.

    But Jer, to be FAIR to Smallville, it's been a FUN RIDE in SPITE of ALL of its' imperfections! It beats LOIS & CLARK! It even beats the old SUPERBOY series, which I actually liked some of that. I liked L&C also but you get the point? It definitely beats SINGERMAN! Tom Welling would make an INFINITELY better Superman than Brandon 'BJ' Routhman! And consider this. Michael Rosenbaum is HANDS DOWN the BEST incarnation of LEX LUTHOR that's EVER been presented in Superman media! So inspite of all the imperfections, it's STILL been a fun ride & when paired with SUPERNATURAL it just seems right!

    SO anyway Jer, what's with all the hostility? Was 'STEVE' the one who pissed you off? I seem to remember writing you at one time about ANOTHER guy but I don't even remember who that was now.

    You wouldn't happen to have ANOTHER user ID over at duh Homopage, would ya?! ;)

  20. "That's the most and best you can hope for. Welling won't be truly revealed as Superman until the last and final episode of the season. (Which is such a monumental waste of EVERYONE'S time)."
    From the start, the show's main rule was "no flights/no tights". If the show doesn't give us a scene with Clark wearing The Suit until the very end of the series finale, the one thing nobody will ever be able to say is that we fans were lied to. I seriously question the reading comprehension of everyone who has a problem with never seeing Clark as Superman during the run of the show.

    "Rake me over the coals if you want, feel free. I won't be back."
    Sure must be nice to shoot your mouth off about anything you want, and then run off and hide like a pussy.

    - colors

  21. I'm very forgiving of Smallville, but that had to be close to the worst episode ever! And it had Supergirl and Lois in a kinky outfit...

    You do have to laugh at people who do take the show a little too seriously though, like "Jerry"....How can you not laugh at someone who uses a "Wayne's World" quote in 2010?? Talk about "finger on the pulse" Jerry....I suppose he thinks "Austin Powers" is cutting edge comedy to.....

    Fuckin hell, the types that drop by here.....

  22. Next week's trailer is interesting, in a cryptic way...."Time Will Heal"

    I wonder if certain recent revelations are going to begin to be "altered" to fit in with the traditional Superman scenario now?? There is a quick shot of Clark in glasses which looks new.

    Honestly though, whoever came up with "I am Green Arrow" bit should be making a public apology to Downey Jnr & company!!

  23. Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know I started a little forum for everyone here, and everyone looking for a place to discuss the reboot without worrying about cry-babies. The address is:


    Just a little something to pass the time and discuss things in an open forum.

  24. HEY!!!!! Check out THIS link I found over at duh Homopage:


    Snyder, in no uncertain terms, states that THIS film has NOTHING to do with the other films when asked the usual sequel crapola. And can you believe people are still pushing for Jim Caviezel to play Superman?! I mean, he's a good actor & all but isn't he pushing 50 by now, or not TOO far off? I don't THINK so! And Snyder had to tolerate the obligatory 'BJ' question.

    Old habits DO die hard, huh? ;)

  25. The funny part? Snyder didn't even answer the question about ol' BJ. He got cut off with the "it's WAY too early to talk about that". Gimme a break. It's not too early to say that this movie will be an utter reboot but we can't say for sure that Blandon BJ won't be back yet? Guess nobody told Snyder that before his quote to Variety. We just have to hope like hell he hasn't changed his mind or something.

    Still, Blandon or no Blandon, this reboot remains guilty until proven innocent in my eyes.

    Maybe I'm asking the wrong people here but can someone PLEASE explain what's so awesome about BJ? I mean, every single thing I've ever seen him in shows him to be dull and wooden. Superman ain't exactly a Shakespeare character or anything but you want your lead to have some kind of warmth and life to him; y'know, everything Routh doesn't seem to specialize in.

    He doesn't look the part, we already know he can't play the part, he's associated with the disaster that was Singerman, etc etc etc. How many more strikes against him does the guy need?!

    I just don't understand...

    - colors
