Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sam and Lucy are coming back

General Sam Lane (Michael Ironside) and Lucy Lane (Peyton List) are coming back to 'Smallville'. K-Site and other places are running with that.

I'm interested to see what's coming, to be honest. We haven't seen either of those characters since the unspeakably lousy season 4. The series is usually good at bringing characters back and coming up with an intelligent justification for doing so. Most of the time. Let's hope this is no different.

The gossip is that Sam's return somehow is related to Lex Luthor. Dare we hope?

Anyway. Episode airs in October.


  1. Here's what I don't get. That poll over there? Can someone explain to me just how in the hell there are two idiots out there who voted "Yes"?

    - colors

  2. Hey, did you guys here? BJ is ALREADY relegated to appearing at 'con's to make money!! Fucking SAD, but didn't we say it would happen years ago??

    "Brandon Routh to Appear at Dragon-Con

    Dragon-Con, an Atlanta, Georgia comic convention, will play host to Brandon Routh on September 3-6 during its weekend convention.

    The convention website features a detailed write-up about Routh, and fans can utilize the site to arrange to have pictures taken with the star of Superman Returns."

    I bet the fuckwit-Apologists will just ignore this little nugget, but it shows how low his "career" has sunk.

    Anyone here see The Wrestler? That's going to be Routh one day soon. Sad, pathetic, trying to sell old copies of Singerman Peeps to ugly fat women for cash....

    And I love it.

  3. Personally, I think you're giving the Apologists too much credit. If they don't understand how Singerman failed at the box office, how can they understand what a comedown this is for "2006's biggest star"?

    - colors

  4. B-Bu-But he still has Dylan Does Dogs doesn't he? I mean, it IS having trouble finding a distributor here in the US for THAT turd, but come on! He is an "awesome" actor!

    I mean, how man other 2x4's can get up out of the pile at Home Depot and "star" in a FLOP like Singerman Peeps??


    So J. Nolan may not be directing after all. That's some of the most encouraging gossip I've yet heard about the reboot. It never made sense to me that WB would hand over a $200+ million film to a first-timer.

    Mind you, that's only slightly less logical than handing it over to Goyer, which is what the article is reporting is the likely outcome.

    Still, Goyer at least has experience in making (piss poor) decisions as a director, which is a huge leg up over J. Nolan. There's a sense in which he's the wiser choice given that he at least the ability to learn from his mistakes.

    I dunno. Not feeling too enthused. But if Goyer's script is a Byrne Age type of Superman and if he truly has seen the error of his ways... well, who knows?

    - colors

  6. The Expendables kicked the SHIT out of Scott Pilgrim Vs. Anything Manly! I kind of figured it would, and it makes me happy.

    If you haven't seen The Expendables, you should. It's not "A Streetcar Named Desire", but it IS an ass-kicking action film.

    I want an automatic shotgun now....

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  8. If I ever become Supreme Emperor, my first order of business will be to strap a bunch of spammers to the nose of a space shuttle and launch them into the sun as an object lesson to the others that they should maybe find honest employment.

    If that doesn't work, well, it's been a while since we've flogged anybody.

    As for the Expendables, haven't seen it yet but I hope it starts off a trend of more manly action movies starring ACTUAL men and not more "pretty" and sensitive metrosexuals.

    - colors

  9. Fuck these annoying spammers. Unless this site is HUGE in China, I don't get it...?

    As for The Expendables, if you are a man with even the tiniest bit of testosterone, you NEED to go see it. Don't expect "high cinema", just a kick-ass action film.

    Oh, and I posted a new article over at Singer's Superman Sucks regarding BJ and his ability to destroy franchises with ease....

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