Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Smallville season 10!

Smallville season 10 premieres this week! We've all seen the teasers and TV spots so what's got you excited? Nervous? Intruigued?


  1. Well, I'm excited. Just saw the latest CW preview and, DAMN!

    Could this be the best season yet? Kinda looks like Superman to me now......

  2. HEY!!!!! Check out THIS link to see an AWESOME preview of the season premier of Smallville:


    Sure, Clark catches the Daily Planet globe from crashing. Does THAT ring a bell?! However, unlike SINGERMAN, he takes it back to the TOP of the Daily Planet. He doesn't use it to crush someone's car like THAT retard did. Leave it to Welling to PROVE to duh apologists how a REAL Superman does it! ;)

  3. And you might wanna check out THIS item as well:


    Zack Snyder is the only one on that list that I'd pick. Regardless of box office, I LOVED the WATCHMEN. I also liked 300. Does this mean I absolutely want Snyder for director? Not necessarily, but at least I THINK it's a step in the right direction. Some also feel that J.J. Abrams would NOW be a good choice after his EXCELLENT STAR TREK reboot. I believe Abrams has even voiced how he'd do it differently now that he's learned from his previous mistake with the franchise.


  4. Checked out the Superhero Hype link. Some nitwit in the comments suggested (I think) Peter Berg. Now, I like his movies as much as the next guy... but seriously. Peter Berg? For SUPERMAN?!? Bear in mind, this is the same guy who did the fist fight in Hancock the way he did because he couldn't otherwise make himself believe in two superpowered beings scrapping down in the streets.

    As for Zack Snyder, I'd give him a day in court. But I'd also understand if he took a pass. He's directed two comic book adaptations in a row and, as far as I know, has yet to produce an "original" work at any point in his career; his major films have been either remakes or adaptations. From a business point of view, I can't imagine he'd go for it... esp since he allegedly already passed on directing Superman before Watchmen even came out.

    Brad Bird, JJ Abrams, Robert Zemeckis (if we can get him away from the damned mo-cap soundstages), these would all be interesting choices.

    Still, there is good news in all this; I don't see David Goyer or either of the Nolans on that list, which gives me hope.

    - colors

  5. So wow, a (temporary) replacement Lex. A Nosferatu Luthor. And while he was onscreen, I honestly didn't miss Rosenbaum.

    We've had overall better premieres but, man, this was a good one. And the last one. :(

    - colors

  6. Yeah, good stuff. Bodes well.

    But I'm pissed more-so now we've had a good look at the Singerman suit. Looks as crap as ever.


  7. Yeah, Smallville's premier rocked! Except for Singerman crapola, of course. Now, I know some MISS Rosenbaum, some don't. I myself would prefer that he come BACK to finish out the series. I mean, THOSE Luthors were pretty pathetic, right? And what to think of the 'video game Darkseid' at the end? But I REALLY liked how Clark somehow communicated with the late Jonathan Kent! Is there ANY explanation for that? Was THAT like a 'SUPERNATURAL' moment?

    As for Supernatural's premier, I liked it but I can see what AP is getting at. I know Sera Gamble has taken over from Eric Kripke but PUH-LEAZZZEEE, keep the writing good, OK?! If you saw the Season 5 finale, you already know that Sam was back from Hell but in THIS episode I feel like the viewer really didn't get an ADEQUATE explanation. OK, he's just back, right? Even SAM doesn't know how, & just how did he get rid of Lucifer anyway?! And where's the half-brother that became Michael?! But dear ol' Grandpa is back with no explanation either! And even weirder is how it ended. They SPARED the female genie while Sam & Dean were out of it?! What's up with that?! Supernatural has been one of my favorite programs but I do think they need to get it together as far as the continuity & everything goes.

    And latest SUPERMAN rumors have Natalie Portman up for Lois Lane & Darren Aronofsky(sp?) as director. I'm too lazy to look it up right now. :)

  8. Saw a report on, I think, Superman Supersite saying Robert Zemeckis is supposedly up for director too.

    Of all the names that have thus far been kicked around, Zemeckis is one I'd definitely be interested in.

    As far as Rosenbaum is concerned, don't get me wrong, I think we'd ALL prefer to see him on the show... but short of that, the vampire looking dude did okay for himself, that's all I'm saying.

    - colors

  9. i enjoyed the premeire last week alot. some cool stuff going on. Cant wait to see how the season plays out.

  10. Tonight's episode was good. A lot of people thought the final Superman costume in SV would look like Clark's new outfit from Shield. It's kinda funny then that the showrunners are riffing on that.

    Overall, I dug the episode. The subplots and character arcs overlapped, reinforced and resonated with each other. In a technical sense, it was very well constructed episode.

    Plus, Deadshot was just cool.

    4/5? Sounds about right.

    - colors

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This isn't open mic night. Take it somewhere else.

    - colors

  13. ...and I'll say one thing about the "Thriller" jacket...at least it has the classic \S/ on it!

  14. Finian,

    True, every bit of it. But on the other hand, if the douchebag Apologists had Clue #1, a lot of the strife and drama of the past several years would never have happened. So there you go.

    - colors

  15. Zack Snyder is directing the Superman reboot.


    - colors

  16. Too lazy to check but wasn't Bryan Singer announced as director of Singerman on 10.04.2004? :)

    - colors

  17. What's a "Bryan Singer"?

    Actually, that's uncanny if correct. Oh dear....
