hi Andre here A couple of interesting tidbits coming from the Superman camp that I feel I must share with our readers.
Currently, Superman is a hot property over at Warner
And as everyone knows by now, Bryan Singer is no longer involved in the Superman franchise. Hence, the billion dollar question is...who is?
For the better part of the last month, I've been hearing a few names pop up in regards to who just might be involved in the reboot of the Superman franchise.
And from the recent lawsuit we all know that the new Superman film must be in production by 2011 and IESB has learned that it has indeed been put on the proverbial "fast track". So what names are we hearing?
This past weekend at San Diego Comic Con, I ran into plenty of DC and WB folks who turned pale when I started asking about the man in blue.
There is one thing we know for sure, there is currently a very short list of potential directors to bring Supes back to the big screen.
First are the Wachowski Brothers, yep, Andy and Larry. The other name I am hearing is James McTeigue.
Here's where things get fuzzy, because I am also hearing the Wachowski's may come in to produce with James McTeigue as the actual director.
Part of me wonders why WB would allow the Wachowski's anywhere near Superman after the amount of money they cost the studio after the disaster that was Speed Racer. But, then again, they did make WB plenty of dough on the Matrix trilogy plus Jeff Robinov loves these guys.
To me, it makes more sense to have Andy and Larry Wachowski serve as producers with James McTeigue to direct after the awesomeness that is his film Ninja Assassin because the one absolute mandate WB and DC have for the new Superman film is for it to be action packed, something Superman Returns was sorely lacking. And there is no doubt that the Wachowski's and McTeigue can be relied on for action.
One thing is for sure, Superman is moving faster than a speeding bullet and we can expect some major announcments coming from the Burbank studio in the very near future.
Stay tuned to the IESB as this story develops!
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I just hope this is true
ReplyDeletehi CGrieco its coming from iesb and robert sanchez so for the Most part its pretty on the Money!
ReplyDeleteThat's true. And Variety, who a day or two ago said that a Superman reboot was in the works and that WB planned/hoped to have Batman 3 in theater by 2012 so yeah I can belive it. Whoo hoooo! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not super familiar with McTiegue's work but I'd be thrilled beyond words if the Wachowskis were to direct. I loved the crap out of the Matrix trilogy, V For Vendetta and Speed Racer. Here's hoping the Wachowski thing is true for once. The Wachowskis are HUGE comic book fans so you can rest assured they'll get the job done right.
ReplyDeleteyou are so right in that Clors the wachowskis would kick major ass! i know MCtiegue Directed V for Vendetta other than that im not sure.
ReplyDeleteThis is recycled rumor IMO.
ReplyDeleteHorn testified under oath not long ago no Superman is in devlopment.
Steve reported the same. WB did not even want to look at scripts.
The 2011 date for having to be in production is totally mis-reported in the IESB story.
The real deal is that if WB does not start a film by then the heirs may be able to sue. No guarantee they win and the judge said it would be for a relatively small amount.
IMO you can take this with a huge grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteYou guys didn't think I wouldn't chime in on something this big did you??
In court documents (which I have copies of) Alan Horn said there is no Superman film in development but that he hoped to do something in the future. I confirmed this with WB. Their list of comic based properties that are "in development" does NOT include Superman. The "bookend" news closing the Donner/Singer franchise was news that Emi released WWAAAYYYYY back in the day. Nice to be late and finally join reality there.
Will we see another Superman? Sure. Will it be in the next 3 or 4 years? Doubtful. Can't say never because this is Hollywood we're talking about.
- Steve "Archangel" Manning
P.S. Thanks for the kind words guys. It's a hard time, but Emi and I appreciate the support.
dvrandolph u are incorrect the film has to be filmed by 2011 and this rumor was said before the fact that robert snachez brings it up again means theres weight to it robert sanchez is a pretty accurate guy! so we can take it with more than a grain of salt dude
ReplyDeletewhats up steve im honored to be carrying your torch, its somewhat recycled but sanchez got this news AGAIN recently at comic-Con, and steve maybe u can hook me up with some of your industry insiders left?lol
ReplyDeleteAndrew, should have said it has to be in production by 2011. Same basic difference. If filming goes past 2011 then there is hardly time to do post-production to have it out in 2012.
ReplyDeleteThe possible threat of a lawsuit is not a big worry for WB IMO. Even if the Siegal's won, WB would not have to pay out a lot.
IMO WB will not make a Superman film before they lose the rights. Finacially they lose either way if they make a film.
If it is a disappointment like SR, then they won't make much money for a big investment.
If it is a big success then the Court re-values the liscense fees up steeply that WB has to pay for use of their 50% of the character from 1999 - 2012. Making the WB payout much larger.
Wb is gonna make this film even more now, plain and Simple they wont rest on the laurels and Give someone else an oppurtnity to make a superman film!
ReplyDeleteAndre, you are looking at this from a super-fan perpective. As is did for a long time. Only to get frustrated and have my blood pressure rise at all the dumb moves WB made.
ReplyDeleteWB clearly does not have confidence in the franchise and its ability to make them money. Its there in the court documents.
Robinov I don't think was ever in the Superman camp, as much as in devloping the other franchises. Back in the day wasn't he pushing JL over a SR sequel or reboot?
For WB bottom line is money/return on investment.
Heck, I will not be totally shocked if Robinov/WB retire the franchise after 2012 and use the rights they retain to develop a totally new character.
Guys, it's not a matter of if it would be more to get sued and pay the families or not, they don't want to pay the families period. That's why they went to court in the first place. Your opinions are irrelevant compared to facts.
ReplyDeleteAnd plus, Variety recently reported that a Superman reboot was in the works, Brandon Routh said that there is new momentum on a Superman film. It all adds up. I know it may be hard to believe, it is WB after all ha ha.
ReplyDeleteOkay. Let's just clear this up right now.
ReplyDeleteFrom WB -
"Contrary to current rumors, and although we have every intention of revitalizing the Superman franchise, we have no immediate plans to go into development on a new film. There will certainly be another in the future, however nothing has yet been established."
From an entertainment attorney who reviewed the court docs -
"...Warner needs to be in production and release a new film in not only theaters but on home viewing formats prior to the 2013 expiration of the rights in order to avoid major financial headaches."
- Steve "Archangel" Manning
ReplyDeleteIs that stateement from WB in response to IESB's story?
On the second point, I've read different things on the legal liability. That the fine would be around just 6 million based on the Court saying in the document the film rights are going to have relatively small value.
Also that WB has a good chance of beating this lawsuit if the court has not announced the monetary award by 2011. WB arguing that SR did
not make a lot, they needed a known, tight budget to do another and without knowing the Sieglas liscense fee and ultimate cost of the film it was too risky to move forward.
Ya i said it before the whole court thing and the pending rights thing once the shusters get into the mix its all confusing on what will go down in the end. I would love to see it stay were it is currently and all parties can make a deal that works best for all.
ReplyDeleteAs for a supes film they will probably try to get something going before the 2011 deadline happens but with the problems they have had since SR it doesnt look like things will be going anywhere any time soon. Though if things could change like for example that news article weeks back about morrison/wolfman/johns working with wb for dc films maybe things could change.
As for the matrix brothers, their names have been brought up for a few yrs now, and it would be interesting to see if this pans out or is debunked like all the past rumors of them. Then their is the whole thing their last film bombed and they blow alot of money on. Though with superman wb will probably have a tighter lash on who ever is put in charge of the property so things dont get out of hand.
Hopefully their is some good things to happen soon. Though i will be extremely happy if its confirmed that SR is the end of the donnerverse and the next film if it does happen is a total and complete reboot.
Ok so i was reading over at SHH and slashfilm that one of slash film's writers has some more news reguarding the whole Wbros, and james T guy and superman movie. He says he will be posting something about it at some point today (Wensday). Hopefully its something more then no, no comment, maybe. But i wont hold my breath.
ReplyDeleteWell here is james comments about superman from slash film:
ReplyDelete"Last week IESB reported a rumor that Warner Bros and DC Comics were in talks with Andy and Larry Wachowski to produce a Superman reboot directed by McTeigue. I asked James if there was any truth to the rumors what-so ever, and he laughed kinda nervously, and paused for a second, before giving me an interesting non answer:
“You know… I… I would say… I’ll keep you guessing, actually. It’s good not to dispel every rumor, right?”
James had been so forthcoming on previous questions, and quick to deny false rumors. I hate to read too much into his answer (or as it may be, his non-answer) but his hesitation seems to suggest there might be something to it. Maybe there have been some early talks, or possibly it is something the Wachowski Brothers are developing. But the non denial seems rather odd, especially coming off of denials on a handful of other rumored projects."
So not a confirmation or denial, hopefully if things are moving fast like some think hopefully we know for sure in the coming weeks/months.