Hi guys Andre here, the guys at thinkMcflythink are confirming iesb's report but also have a little Nugget of info of their own, according to there sources Grant morrison of AllstarSuperman Fame is involved with the new Superman film as well! heres the link http://thinkmcflythink.squarespace.com/movie-news/2009/7/30/superman-flying-fast-at-warners.html
Well it would be great if its true, an with that report a few weeks back about wb hiring johns/wolfman/morrison it would be of great help for them to get things moving. Hopefully we do learn soon from morrison/wolfman on what projects they are apart of.
ReplyDeletei would like to see some comics films from that team but i really hope Nolan Does not return for the dark knighthes just dull!lol
ReplyDeleteThis info from the people who announced Tom Welling in JLA on G4....Sanchex is talking out of his Arse
ReplyDeleteBy the way nice Welling pic
ReplyDeletedvrandolp they said they had no plans, Now they sure ass hell ahve one, because they are under court order, so u can bet your ass theyre fast tracking Supes ASAP!
ReplyDeletethanx about the welling pic superman1938
ReplyDeleteYou deleted my post. Is SaveSuperman a censored site now?
If we can't have open, honest and respectful discussion what is the point of continuing SaveSuperman?
its not that its that youir twisting it to favor your opinion the fact that he said the wb has no plans is a moot point. after the court order came through, i can guarantee you they suddenly had to make plans.lol
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't suprise me if this were true. With Johns lending a hand to the flash movie, it wouldn't be too much of a leap to assume that they're turning to Morrison for Superman. It looks like they're FINALLY taking a page from Marvel Studio's book in that they're getting comic book creators involved with their properties.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the cries of "recycled" that I've been seeing filtering in on the comments section of various blog posts on this site, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this particular rumor-set. Do I think that Warners "officially" has a new Superman film in development? No. Of course not. I DO, however, think that they are getting their ducks in a row for when the time DOES come to start work on bringing the Superman back to the silver screen. Putting together a list of names (such as the ones that IESB has suggested) and going to a comic book writer for some preliminary ideas (or a treatment) would definitely fall into the duck organizing category, despite no "official" plans being put into ink just yet.
To me, this seems like the type of thing that's ripe for an annoucement at NEXT YEAR'S comic con.
BTW Andre, I was not an SR fan going into its premier. I saw lots of problems with what was leaking out. Many of us did.
ReplyDeleteThe "go to" site was Blue Tights. You know what they did leading up to the SR premier? Started deleting posts and banning posters who dared say that SR looked like a disaster.
SaveSuperman has not been a BlueTights type of site till now. I ask you keep it that way.
As long as posters are respectful and honest and state their opinions the site wins. That kind of honest free exchange will draw Superman people.
Think about it. Don't fall into the BlueTights trap.
Wow, typo, There's an extra "The" lurking in the sentence: " I DO, however, think that they are getting their ducks in a row for when the time DOES come to start work on bringing t.h.e Superman back to the silver screen."
ReplyDeleteThe "the" with the periods between the letters would be the culprit.
Oh and Andre: If you start deleting posts just because they conflict the spin that your trying to put on a particular story then you strip this website of it's credibility COMPLETELY. Please, as dvnrandolph said, avoid falling into the "blue tights" trap.
ReplyDeletethere is no bluetights trap SR sucked i wouldnt delete anyone who thought that.lol
ReplyDeleteThanks ALS.
ReplyDeleteI think that if fan concerns had not been so shut out by BT and a few other sites, I won't mention them, you probably know, SR might have at least been modified a bit and that could have helped.
I recall BT and a famouse other Supes site saying not to worry about the concerns about lack of action in Sr. There is plenty of action in SR. When there obvioulsy was not and in October 2005 WB forced Singer to do a re-shoot and add the roof seen where Supes confronts the gattling gun.
Shutting down free discussion then did not work. look how SR turned out. Shutting down discussion now won't work.
ReplyDeleteI thought SR was a potential disaster from the first picture of Routh as Superman.
With due respect could you put my post back. There was nothing nasty or offensive in it as you know. Just a take on the Morrison rumor based on facts we have now.
i agree ALS i never for one second bought that Bull BT was spewing about how theres Plenty of action in SR the minute that idiot was named as director red flags flew in my haid Never Liked Bs orany of his crappy movies at all
ReplyDeleteYa right now they may not have anything officially on the plate for now like horn did say back at the start of the month. But now with morrison/wolfman/johns invovled in different projects. Maybe they will have something going in a few months. They do have around 17months to get things moving. So their is plently of time to get something going. I would hope they can get something going, and it will be a good film. Though with all the mess that was in the 90s and the lack of anything since Sr doesnt show us that things could happen at a faster pace. Though with the deadline they have to get a film in production maybe that could have finally lit a fire under the execs.
ReplyDeleteexactly webhead your correct the WB basically have a gun to theire head and they better work well under pressure!lol
ReplyDeleteya i just hope things are truly moving for superman front. But i am not totally 100% on board that it is right this moment. Like how i said all the mess of the 90s, and the lack of anything going on since SR.
ReplyDeleteI am crossing my fingers that hopefully wb with the whole deadline thing can get things ready and able to go by the court day ruling.
The statement from WB about not having anything "in development" was from this afternoon. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, Andre, I've received way too many text messages about deleted posts, memories of Blue Tights, etc and I'm dealing with WAY too much shit in my life right now for that. We built this and gained respect from people. We've stayed the course no matter what the apologists have said and always come out on top. I apologize for sounding rude but I'm sure you can understand I'm going through a lot right and my frustrations are boiling over.
ReplyDeleteI've stepped in and the site now belongs to Colors and Kevin. Period. They call the shots, they design the site, they decide who takes over if they aren't able to maintain things.
- Steve "Archangel" Manning
steve thats not fair the posts i deleted were negative, let me be an admin
ReplyDeleteYea i said it before it would be nice if things are moving, but likely arent. But since their is like 17months they have to get something going their is a slime chance something can come about if they can find people they like and they give the studio what they want. Though like i said before with the mess in the 90s and nothing since SR, i wouldnt be surprized if they cant get something going.
ReplyDeletesteve i was deleting insulst and pessimistic comments about the film never getting mde can u just gimme another chance?
ReplyDeleteSteve: Thank goodness. I was beginning to worry.
ReplyDeleteAndre: Again, you just CAN'T go around deleting things that you disagree with. Period. Conflicting points of view are what create some amazing, interesting, debates. To shut out all of those view points is not only counter-intuitive, it's counter-productive to the goals that this website is trying to achieve. So it's PERFECTLY fair.
goals that this website ARE trying to achieve. Geeze, I'm on fire tonight with the improper grammar.
ReplyDeleteno its not perfectly fair so you just let chaos and negativity run rampant?
ReplyDeleteChaos and negativity? Those things occur when someone (like you) starts to delete the posts of others simply because you don't agree with what they're saying in those posts.
ReplyDeleteAnd with that, I exit this argument, as in order to have a true debate, both sides must have valid points. And you, sir, do not have one. Sorry. I hope that this experience has taught you something.
Andre you blow it just move on.
ReplyDeleteI hope all of this is true but I have a feeling it's not but I can still dream about a new Superman movie.
Steve, I know this is the wrong forum for this but who are the villains going to be in Spider-Man 4?
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not Steve, I can comment on this if you like.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that they have not announced what villain(s) are going to be in Spiderman 4. That being said the rumors/hints are landing names of: Lizard, Kraven the Hunter, Sinister Six, Vulture, Hunter... and so far those are the names being tossed around. This information came from the Spiderman 4 Wiki page but a Google search yielded no other information that I could find.
My hope is that Morrison's influence takes the film into an All-Star flavored direction. The uber sci-fi approach is the way to go.
ReplyDelete- thecolorsblend
ya bats works with the realistic take in my mind might as well go the other way for supes. As for sm4 i personally want to see lizard and kraven i do think they would make a great combo villains to use.
ReplyDeletewebz, speaking only for myself, I'd say that even Batman doesn't really work too well in the realistic world. There are a host of characters that simply can't be realized in a "real world" interpretation (Mr. Freeze, Bane, Clayface, etc). Plus, one indulgence the very nature of the character demands is that he can somehow dodge zillions of bullets fired at him every night. To me, that's a lot harder to swallow if we're asked to believe he lives in a realistic world. Are that many drug dealers really such lousy shots?
ReplyDeleteWhen you shift Batman into a more fantasy-style type of world that he occupies in the comics, I think you can more easily get by with that sort of stuff.
But yeah, Superman? Heavy sci-fi, all the way and back.
- colors
yea i get your opinion on the thing with batman, i didn mean a full on realistic world but at least most of it based on realistic elements, but if their is a way to logically show/give wiggle room for some more of the fantasy elements in his world then go for it.
ReplyDeleteBut like i said for supes they should go straight out comic book scifi/fantasy angle for him, but have the human elements take the realistic phsyics and all that u know.
Many of the other Superman sites are still running with the IESB rumor. None of them have bothered yet to post WB's statement denying the rumor.
ReplyDeleteSaveSuperman is ahead of the game on reporting film news. Hopefully this can emerge as the go-to site for fair and accurate coverage of film developments.
Since Morrison and Wolfman have not been specifically assigned to projects yet I think it was easy to make the jump from the IESB rumor to the Morrison thing.
Morrison would have been great on Superman though I think he and Wolfman are likely to end up on Aquaman and WW which are on the fast track after GL and Flash.
Yeah but Variety just recently said that a Superman reboot is in the works.
ReplyDeletewell a reboot has been talked about here and there for like the past yr besies sprinkles of rumors of a sequel. I do want to see a full on reboot, and hopefully wb can actually get something going, but we will have to see.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but it's Variety, case closed
ReplyDeleteWell everyone it looks as though andre decided to make his own blog and basically just copied this one. http://supermansuperworld.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteYes, it's Variety saying a reboot is in the works but it's WB saying it's not. Like who are you gonna believe Variety or WB?
I think WB hasn't decided if they're going to make another film or not.
I'd guess they'll call in the lawyers and accountants and look at the options.
What happens if they don't make a film? Is there a decent chance WB could win a potential reversion rights lawsuit? If they lost the lawsuit what would it cost them?
Versus, what is the least they can spend to make a film that has mucho action and what is that film likely to make for WB?
Whatever pencils out as the least financial risk is what I think WB does.
Whatever WB decides, I think we'll know the answer by next spring.
WB has not said anything. That's just it. It's just Steve saying that they did. What, they just told him? Sorry, but he isn't that special to where he can just pick up the phone and they'll just simply tell him. Stop blindly following him man. This is just sad, sad, sad. So who are you going to believe? Variety? or Steve? I thought so
ReplyDeleteI respect Steve for wanting a reboot that we're finally going to get thank God, but Variety has more credibility than him. You, him, and everyone on here can argue against this all you want. I don't care, but that's just the truth. Face it if you want, whatever.
ReplyDeleteI do hope in the end the whole court stuff does work out for all parties and everyone gets what they want. As for what ever another film will be, i hope they can make that deadline they have and it will be a much better film then SR. But its is just a darn waiting game to see if anything will happen an if things are changing in favor for dc properties at wb.
ReplyDeleteIt sure seems things are changing for the better for DC properties at WB. My only regret is that Superman missed being deevloped under this new regime. I think we'll see how much things have improved with GL in 2011. It promises to be IM-like. As in break the 300 milion domestic mark maybe.
SaveSuperman sould link to the court records and WB's statement last week that Superman is not in deevlopment at the studio. It helps shine a reality light on these rumors.
The positive in WB's statement is that it says it will try to reboot the franchise in the future sometime. I assume that means WB is open to working with the heirs after they get the rights to try to put one more film together.
Whether the next Superman is in 2012 or 2020 is secondary IMO. Before that is that the 2 halves of the franchise after 2013 are kept together. Without that it won't be a Superman film no matter who makes it.
Ya i know i do really hope things will work out come 2013 if shuster's heirs gain the other half of the copyright and they are more likely to get it with the lawyer they have. I would jsut hate to see the 70+ history be lost and a new superman would have to be remade with just the bare basics of the history. Hopefully wb/dc comics and the families can rearch an agreement and wb/dc could continue to use the character fully. I am sure their is more then enough money to be made from the 70+ history superman left at wb/dc for wb/dc to be able to shell out to the families if that needs to be.
ReplyDeleteAs for the deadline of 2011, yea it will be great if it can happen, but yea realistically with the lack of anything solid happening since SR its pretty very slime chance of happening. But if things can change for the better for supes at wb i would be happy. And i hope they make the right and best decisions on the next film.
With that about 17months they got to bet the deadline maybe something could happen and get going. If they can get the right writers, director(s) invovled and get all the elements in place.
It will be interesting to see how things go from now and 2011 deadline, and come 2013 when shuster's heirs go to court.
Why I see something positive from WB's saying they want to try again in the future to maybe reboot Superman. They'll have to work with the heirs to make another Superman film, so it implies they are open to it.
ReplyDeleteI think realistically if, its a big if, they get something going for the 2011 date, WB needs to have writer, director cast by this time next year. They need to be in production by end of 2010 to avoid the film being rushed like SR was.
Hard to know what the heirs will do after 2013. The value of their half is worth more when combined with WB's half.
I can see Marvel telling the heirs they can create a brand new character that will be worth more financially longterm for the heirs than will be the heirs making a deal with WB to keep the traditional Superman going.
Ya thats the thing though even if the heirs take it away from dc and dc is stuck with the elements they got they have to come up with a new superman like character from that. Which could easily fail, just like if the heirs took the 1938 version they have the rights too, to say marvel for example then they risk trying to recreate the character, and it could just fall flat to the fans and then what do we got for superman.....
ReplyDeleteAs for the deadline, it is possible something could happen and like i said i hope they can make the deadline, its all about if their is or isnt anything actually happening right now, have they actually been talking to said folks, and then if said folks are signed could a decent/good script be commissioned in a short period of time. Then its the same issue with casting, could they get a cast all set fast, or would it be a long drawn out process like it was for hal for gl film.
I said it i think it would suck a lot if just to not have director/cast issue for them to go back to singer/routh/sr cast and would have half the process over and would just need a script.
But if a reboot is really what they want to do, i hope they can find the folks they think will work best for what the studio wants and it can be done quickly without to much issues.
I am sure WB would rather take a chance with a reversion lawsuit and not making a film by 2011 rather than bring Singer and the rest back.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like WB would only be fined 6 or 7 million if it doesn't make another film before 2011 ends. I don't think this supposed deadline is that big a deal to the multi billion dollar TW to begin with.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you on a point. That WB has 17 months to get things going to start a film by 2011.
I say more like 2 or 3 months.
A big-name director, a 150 million plus film (I guess) demands an intense search for actors. I don't think Robinov would take the risk of just pulling SV actors over for a massively expensive film. The director they need likewise will want to pick actors free of WB's interference.
Complicating the actor issue is WB needs to go with multiple known, popular actors for future super-hero films.
The Kevin Spacey solution won't work. One ain't enough and "younger" skewing is the issue. WB has to draw the young crowd if another Superman try is going to have any chance of success.
My guess is if there are no credible reports of casting for Superman roles by Octoberfest time this year, WB has decided to pass on another Superman film.
ok i understand your opinion man. I was just saying in total they have that 17month window, and ya if anything is serious going to happen they should have director/writers on board between now and dec, so they can great to casting/script through next year. But will it happen is the main question. I said i would love if they can but with their superman track record it doesnt look good. Though for all we know maybe in a few weeks something could have happen. But i am not holding my breath untill we have something totally solid.
ReplyDeleteSuperman's fate comes down to money.
Fans think WB/DC will never let the Superman rights get away. I dunno.
WB/DC act ambivalent about the franchise. WB could not make another Superman ever and it wouldn't hurt their bottom line a bit.
WB learns the fees it owes the heirs for 1999 - 2012 come 2013. They'll also know the price it has to pay to keep liscensing Superman.
If WB and DC determine Superman is no longer financially viable with the new fees, I don't think they'd hesitate in ending the franchise. No amount of nostalgia will keep Superman going if there is no money to be made. It's the dark cloud on the horizon people don't like to think about.
Ya it sucks money is usually what everything is about. And yes on wb's if they dont make a movie it probably would just be pennies to them to pay off the siegels, same if the price goes up a bit if another film happens.
ReplyDeleteOn dc side they probably want to keep supes there in complete glory so more and more money can come in. But yea it will be very sad if the 70+ yr history of supes gets destroyed and we just get a basic superman by who ever the families lease out to, or a fake superman like clone out of the elements dc gets to keep.
In the end i do really hope they all can work something out so everyone get what they want and us fans get to keep the complete superman character. Come 2013 it should be a very interesting time.
The big problem is that Superman is a second tier franchise now, until proven otherwise, which costs a first tier film budget to make.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of franchises I'd equate him with Wolverine and Fantastic Four. Able to pull in 150 - 200 million domestic.
The judge actually used Tarzan and Conan franchises as comparable in the court document. Ouch!
How much is a studio, even that third party studio Steve hoped might come in, going to pay to make a film that maybe can just gross in the low 200s?
100 million? 125 million? Can a decent Supes film even be made for that? Then the Siegals swoop in and demand a big license fee on top?
It doesn't pencil out economically. The Siegals don't get that. They argued that Superman was as valuable as X-Men or Ironman or Spiderman. The court shot that down without a blink.
I got burned out hoping for a reboot after SR. Seeing rumors come and go. And nothing more than 3 years later now.
Instead of putting my fan hat on I know put my realist corporate hat on when looking at the possibility of another Superman film being made. It makes it easier to avoid grief and disappointment.
Ya hope knows what is going to happen, i think it is possible to make a hit out of superman again with the right persons in charge, but will it happen probaly not, i have a slime hope it will happen though with what we have gotten so far doesnt show me that much faith things will happen.
ReplyDeleteSome of the speculation out there on what a replacement Superman at DC might look like is interesting and funny.
DC keeps so much that the "new" Superman can still be Kal-El, son of Jor-El and Last Son of Krypton.
He can reside in Metropolis and work at the Daily Planet. Not as a reporter though. How aboout blog guru?
DC will probably keep using Man of Steel for his name and if they want to continue the classic 'S shield they can. If they keep the shield on the new character someone has to come up with a catchy new one word name. One person suggested Superstud - LOL!. I think that was a female fan.
Once GL, WW and Flash get their solo films in the next several years, WB will likely do a JL film. Perfect opportunity for WB to introduce the new character by making him the new JL member. Great way to advertise the replacement character in front of the huge audiences JL is likely to get.
ya we will just have to see what happens in the next few years.