The next episode of Smallville airs on Friday and it's entitled, "Metallo". You can use this thread to discuss the episode in.
Here are some recent Smallville related news stories to check out while you wait for the episode to air:
Advance Review: "Metallo!":
Brian Austin Green: From Terminator to Smallville (interview):
TV Guide Brian Austin Green interview:
Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer) Interview (audio):
Episode 9.02 - Metallo Sneak Peek (video):
Episode 9x04 Echo - HQ Promo Pics:
[Post By: Kevin]
Cant wait for tomorrow. Should be interesting to see how metallo goes down.
ReplyDeleteWell i got to say first totally happy my CW affilate didnt have any audio or video issues unlike last week. Thank you affilate for that. I did like that martha got mentioned, cyborg got a mention. Then also seeing shelby in three scenes was nice. I hope we get to see him/her a few more times in the season.
ReplyDeleteI liked how the episode started off with corben writing a story on a bust the blur stoped and wrapped criminals up in metal fence that was good. His feelings about the blur were good showing why he hates him. Cause he blames the blur for a criminal killing his sister while he was away in iraq. I thought that was a nice way to start having corben not like the blur. Also man getting hit by the truck was wicked. I liked the blood and the cutting in/out before he woke up with the bionics in him. I think brain played that very well.
Also it was cool lois going to the kent farm and finding shelby and thinking clark was back. I liked that they did mention martha and she had a story to cover for clark. So i guess he talked to his mom a bit(offscreen) if any one is looking for him what to say. Also shelby was nice to see again.
Lois I liked her alot in the episode. Its fun to finally she lois and the blur(superman) getting into that relationship they should be in for a long time coming. It was cool to see her get into classic lois mode and getting to invovled and having the hero needing to save her. I thought all her scenes with corben were good. They have good interaction together. Same goes for her and chloe. Also interesting to see another flash of her future vision and that jacket/cape on a pole was cool. Also after the corben fight it was nice that clark let her finally see the blur in person. I liked how the S shield was visable for that.
As for clark, i do like this hero 24/7 idea he is going at. Though you can see its hurting him emotionally and he doesnt really want that. He wants to have his human side but he just doesnt want to make that same mistake he did with getting jimmy killed. I do like that lois is his connection to humanity and she will be the one that helps him find that balance in being a hero and having a human life. Also i liked the scene at the hospital with clark and emil. That was good interaction between the two. I like that chloe isnt the only one to be his helper in super villain stuff any more.
I do wish their was more to the "fight" with metallo. But we know their budget is crap. Plus you can have to much of a fight with a krypto powered hero villain and clark since kryptonite still hurts him. I thought the emp bomb was a cool idea and thought that was going to stop metallo. But that clark using his head and melting a lead plate onto metallo was a sick idea there. Also Cool that corben learned that kryptonite can hurt the blur. So he can use that when/if he does return later. Also it was cool Tess and her assistants got ahold of corben at the end. So we know they could bring him back down the road. Also as i said i liked the idea with continuity in the show and that the kryptonite was causing mental stress on corben. I wonder if that second doctor guy tess talked to at the end was emit vale aka comics creator of metallo.
Tess was pretty good tonight also. I liked her interactions with lois about her job. AS i said earlier totally felt a lesbian vibe coming off there. Also her interactions with her new assistants were good. At the end with all those kryptonian symbols(family crests) was cool. Also interesting it looks like Jorel (younger version) was also sent to earth. I wonder how that is going to work out in the up coming kandor episode. Cant wait to see were that story line going. Also the promo for rabid/echo was pretty neat.
Wow this was one of the best episodes in a very long time. I even liked it better then the premiere. Man I hope the ratings are better this week. Also here is a trailer for next week's episode:
Well just went to tvbythenumbers for the over night numbers. Even with the lost of the nyc market for mets game. Smallville did pretty well. A slight dip from premire numbers of 2.573(overall) metallo got overnight rating of 2.39. So thats good to hear.
ReplyDeletesince kevin didnt make a rabid thread here is my thoughts on the episode.
ReplyDeleteWell tonights episode was pretty sweet all around. The makeup, special effect, acting were all top notch. At first i thought this episode was going to be a filler and pretty stupid. Boy was a surprised. They turned out another solid episode. They are 3 for 3 so for this season for me. I have no real flaws tonight.
First off got to talk about the zombie makeup. Smallville's zombies were pretty episode. Solid look, good slime coming out of mouth, the actors acted pretty well as zombies. I hope the makeup people get a emmy nod for this. They pulled some serious movie quality zombie work there. They were pretty sweet and brutal looking and acting. The zombie fights were all pretty good.
The plot that the one of the evil kryptonians releasing the virus was interesting. Also pretty cool in the end it wasnt zod who did it but one of his lacky's that been posing as a human doctor. Interesting that zod wants to keep hidden so the earthlings dont know about them and wont go after them. Also the zod beheading that solider was pretty epic looking. Also now learning that a powered kryptonian is on earth is a great spin on things. Now its also a cool twist he thinks its jorel and doesnt know anything about kalel/clark kent yet. Cant wait to see their showdown.
The episode starting out as halfway in and flashbacking a few hrs earlier was cool. WE dont get to see that to often. It was interesting the spoilers were way off about the whole blood of clark thing. Its nice to see he was willing to do that. Also it was pretty cool emil learning fully that clark is not just a superpowered guy but a super powered alien. I thought he would have known already but cool he knows now.
I thought the whole lois and clark scenes were all good. The lois and clark fighting zombies, the raining cure scene, ollie saving their butts, and the end kent house scene. Also that was a nice symbolism with lana's picture getting put in a memory book and lois showin up. Also i loved the two quick speed outs for the fire, and then making her coffee cold with superbreath to go after the motocyle chase.
Also the chats with clark and ollie were pretty good. That first one was good, that last one was also pretty solid chat between them. Can clearly see how both are taking their whole messup with doomsday and henrey(jimmy) getting killed. Also ollie doing drugs and in deep depression is pretty much showing again how different clark and ollie are and how they are handling things. Also interesting to find out chloe in watchtower is spying on the league to keep an eye on them. Also her whole chat with emil about way was a pretty logical reason.
I thought chloe was pretty better this week compared to the first two episodes. Wasnt as bitchy and complaining like the first two episode. She seems more like old chloe tonight. Also tess was pretty good at her fight in the mansion with the zombies. That was pretty episode.
The look of the episode was very epic and creepy looking with the dark light, green glows, and all that. Writing i think was pretty solid, not to bad stuff at all. Some things like the whole chloe/emil techno stuff is off a bit but its smallville's own tech talk. The directing was pretty good too i really liked how the episode look. Also the musical scores were good and at the start of the episode it was nice to have a little bit of a copyrighted song. So in end very solid episode and a very surprising episode. Cant wait to see how echo goes next week.