FirstShowing.net recently interviewed James McTeigue about his upcoming film The Raven but tossed in a few questions about his rumored involvement with the next attempt at Superman.
From the article...
Back on the topic of another Superman movie, I asked James if there was any truth to that rumor that he, or the Wachowskis, might be involved in another movie. His answer started out short and sweet: "Maybe some truth to… I've had some discussions, the Wachowskis to a lesser degree, but the Superman franchise is in a strange kind of place at the moment," McTeigue revealed. "I think they're still trying to work out the mechanics of how that can come together." That's exactly what we've heard recently. But I got a bit more out of him when I asked if he'd be interested in doing it if they ever did offer it to him. He said:
"I think I would be interested in doing it if they let me do it the way I wanted to do it. I would say that, if you take the Richard Donner Supermans and the last Superman [from Bryan Singer], I think that Superman is probably ripe for a bit of a change up. I think society has changed around the core idea of what Superman was."
"And I'm not saying you do the ubiquitous dark Superman, I'm not saying that… I'm just saying that I think there are some things that you could excise from the Superman mythology that people would get into it, if you took the world that he was in and changed that a bit, and maybe even project that into the future a bit. I think you don't really have to play into the origin story anymore. I think there's a whole bunch of things you could do to make that film more alive and exciting again."
I mentioned that Mark Millar's Superman: Red Son graphic novel is one that people reference for a much different, but still brilliant, storyline for Superman. "I think you always incur the wrath of the people - they love Superman," McTeigue said. "Why not make it a little different, change it up a bit?" I agree, but then again, he's such a well-known character, that I don't dare pitch an idea for fear of it not living up to what everyone wants. I'm sure James has his own brilliant idea already. It's just a matter of if WB likes his idea.
To read it in full, CLICK HERE
So, what do you readers think?
- Steve "Archangel" Manning
Was reading this the other day over at the SHH boards. I would be curious to see what he and the matrix brothers would do with superman. But since we know superman is sorta on hold right now. We likely wont have another film to when ever the darm copyright battle gets settled. Who knows how long that will end up being.
ReplyDeleteAt THIS point I just want a Superman film.....PERIOD! Not really sure about McTeigue but I just wish that TPTB, including the 'heirs', would cut the BS & get to the point. Find a resolution that works. Get a film in production with a COMPETENT team. Let me be sitting there in the theater reaping the rewards!
ReplyDeleteI know it sucks there is so much drama with the darn copyright stuff. I wish they would get to the bottom of it, and find a deal both wb/dc and the families can get all they want out of a deal. So then finally they can get back into the right place and find those right folks to bring the character to screens again. I would be so disapointed if we have to wait another 10 or so years for another superman film. I hope we can get somewithing within 2-4 yrs.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a full on Superman reboot like Batman got. I also hope to see a Smallville - Metropolis made for tv movie with a bigger budget then the show. A good way to wrap up Clark's journey to becoming Superman.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happens, I think it will be a long time before we see any new Superman movies of any kind.
I hope they are smart enough to let Smallville end and just transition it to the big screen. This guy seems a fairly intelligent guy and understands that the movie can't be told the same way it was told in the 70's, so I hope someone directs him to the SV box sets and he gets to see what they done so far with the legend and he understands that taking Tom Welling is the best and probably only way to go to make this the competitive franchise that Warner needs.
ReplyDeleteWould be great if that did happen. But as much as smallville fans would like it to i dont know if that would happen. Plus as long as the darn copyright battle is on going we are not going to get a film for superman going. Which sucks alot things cant get settled.
ReplyDeleteI never will understand... Why reboot? There are a ton of options to continuing where Superman Returns left off. You don't even have to bring back Singer if you don't want. I know I'm in the minority. I liked the movie as a reintroduction of Superman. I thought Brandon Routh was absoultely perfect in his potrayal. Have Braniac come to earth, following Superman's trail after his visit to the destroyed Krypton. Make the movie climax with a battle royal between Supes and Braniac. That superfight should make all the fans happy. Near the end, have Luthor find and kill Superboy, putting Superman in a hard postition of wanting to actually kill someone and take revenge and setting up the next movie with how he deals with it. That oughta make the "Go Dark Superman" fans happy too.