It's been a very slow news month for Superman fans but today we have confirmation that "Cat Grant" will be making a Smallville appearance as I speculated a little while back. Actor, "Emilie Ullerup" has confirmed in a podcast that she will be playing the iconic role in the episode "Crossfire".
Source: http://www.dtrn.co.uk/
[Post By: Kevin]
its nice to hear that the rumor rang true. Though when the news first came out for this catherine role for episode 6 it didnt seem anything cat grant besides lois/clark doing the tv station thing, since i read online for a time grant was also a television news person. Should be interesting to see what they do with her and if she is going to pop up in any other episodes.
ReplyDeleteAlso episode 10 disciple will have mia making a second appearance, and the villain of the episode right now called dark archer may in fact be the green arrow villain merlyn. Cant wait to see how that goes. if it is merlyn.
HEy ksite has a few pictures up from crossfire no pics of the mia or cat grant characters.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, this bloody blog hardly ever allows you to post here anymore. Quite frankly I think we've lost many posters because of this "pain in the ass" system here.
I've given up after literally years of posting here.
What a wasted effort. Sorry
i havent had any problems with posting, just hav to make sure i am logged onto blogger and then make my message, type in the code word and bad it works fine for me.
ReplyDeletesome more photos from crossfire including mia and catherine:
web, you may not be having any problems....but did it ever strike you how there's only about 3 people posting here lately??
ReplyDeleteThis style of blog is a pain in the ass
yea i know others may have problems, i was just saying i havent had any real problems with the site.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really a shame to me is that I thought that REALISTS greatly outnumbered APOLOGISTS. I mean, it SEEMED that way when realists vehemently opposed the return of Singerman ACROSS THE BOARD, so to speak. Obviously opposition to BOTH Singer & Routh was SO strong that it looked like WE won, right? Strength in numbers? Or so you would've thought!
ReplyDeleteThe problem now, though, is that almost NO ONE seems to care about these sites anymore. Don't believe me? Take a look over at www.singerssupermansucks.blogspot.com & you'll see what I mean. Father Finian can confirm this, THAT place USED to be a HOTBED of activity! After Save Superman started it seemed to start waning. Apologist Puncher even used to FREQUENTLY post here as well but he seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth! Is he dead or something?! What happened?! Even Neal Bailey went over there & posted! NOW the site is for all intents & purposes DEAD! And THIS place isn't much better.
Father is right, we USED to have more people. Sure, in a way we may've won as in no more Singerman, but it still seemed good to have a place that REALISTS could call home! I myself was VERY disappointed when Steve started the website back up only to can it about 3 weeks later. Now we are where we are. NOT very encouraging. :(
yea it does suck we dont have more active people around to talk and all that. compared to say other forums and all that have hundreds of folks posting daily about this or that.
ReplyDeleteI'll do some checking on the blog settings and see what I can do to make it a bit easier for people to post comments. To be honest, it's sort of a pain in the neck for me to. Blog Spot has been this way since about the time Google acquired it. I'll look into it and see what I can do in the way of simplification.
- thecolorsblend
As to the Singerman Sucks blog, I'm not too surprised that it's died out. The mandate it set for itself was fulfilled. Singerman is six feet under, one and done. Mission accomplished, in many ways.
ReplyDeleteAs to the Apologist Puncher, in some ways his mandate is satisfied as well. The Apologists seem to have scattered and skulked away to lick their wounds and perhaps criticize things like Smallville from afar but fundamentally unengaged otherwise.
While I'd love for more acidic Singerman Sucks blogs from AP or SSS, it's logical enough that they both fade away, heroes to the cause.
- thecolorsblend
I too have a great deal of trouble posting but I do visit the site often to get updates on all things Smallville. I am liking how the new season is going so far, but unfortunately my not being able to watch the show when it first comes on has put a crimp in my enthusiastic posting.
ReplyDeleteyea it sucks when you cant see things live and get behind on things. I am like that for a few shows this season since i am watching others live and i keep forgetting to check things out. Hopefully colors you can get it settled to making posting a bit easier for folks who have been having problems and all that.
ReplyDeleteDark Archer possible merlyn has been cast:
[QUOTE]Steve Bacic Is The "Dark Archer"
KryptonSite has learned that Steve Bacic has landed the role of Oliver's mentor "The Dark Archer" in the upcoming episode "Disciple."
The name and the face may be familiar to Smallville fans as Bacic played one of the victims of Jeremy Creek in the very first episode of Smallville back in 2001. Fans of the sci-fi genre may recognize him from recurring roles in Andromeda and Stargate. He also played a not-so-Beastly Dr. Henry McCoy in X2. Soon he'll be appearing as "Dr. Sexy" in an episode of Supernatural.
ReplyDeleteDO you have anything on the AICN rumor that Supes may possibly make a cameo in GL (I'm assuming as CK)? If that is a viable rumor, do you think they will be going with Welling or someone else who is tapped to play Superman if a new film is ever greenlit. Let us know if you have anything! THanks!
Superman as far as I know is NOT in the script for Green Lantern. Clark Kent however was in a draft.
ReplyDeleteAnd guys (Kevin & Colors), check the site email...I sent an idea to you after reading some of the comments here..
Steve "Archangel" Manning
yea i remember reading about the kent cameo from the first draft. But i doubt it will end up in final shooting script. With all the trouble superman is with wb/dc right now.
ReplyDeleteBut for some cool news the final two jsa members and all 3 character's actors have been revealed for Society episode.
HAWKMAN(hmm i was thinking wildcat was going to be picked) will be played by SG1 vet Michael Shanks(love this casting he was fav in that show).
Dr. FATE will be played by actor Brent Stait.
And STARGIRL who we already knew will be played by aliens in america actress britt irvin.