Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moving Forward

First off I would like to announce that I, Kevin, a frequent visitor of the Save Superman Campaign have been given control over the direction of Save Superman Campaign.

I spent the last few hours trying to decide just what direction I think we should take this website into and have come up with some ideas that I wanted to share with the readers here to get some general feedback on what you guys would like to see here.

Idea 1: Continuing with tradition, I could keep this website exactly as it appears today with the name intact and general random Superman news/rumors posting going. Basically this idea is continuing what the site is today without any major changes.

Idea 2: Was to focus 80% on Smallville news and rumors and 20% on other rumors and news regarding Superman movies and television shows. Why focus so much on Smallville? Well Smallville is pretty much the only Superman television/movie product still running outside of cartoons. Smallville is still widely popular even after eight seasons and it still appears to have a lot of life left into it.

Idea 3: I was throwing around was to either redesign this blog a little or perhaps move to a more modern and hopefully more complex blogging structure (Possibly Word Press or IP. Board). I've also explored changing the website name as well.

Idea 4: Another thing I want to ask you guys is just how much content do you guys want to be posted. Generally this website posted one piece of news about once a week. However, I believe that there is a lot of content out there that could be posted to the point of having multiple posts per day. Question is, how content do you feel is best?


Those were the three ideas that I am exploring currently. Many of you have expressed interess in the continuation of this website so ultimately your opinions matter to me and how I should approach this project. I am open for suggestions as I attempt to take on this project and hopefully turn it into something nice. So any suggestions or comments you guys might have would most definitely be appreciated.


Prior to working here, I had several other website projects mostly surrounding the video games scene including The Wiikly and The Revolution Lifestyle which are no longer available.

Let me know what you guys would like to see and how you think I should approach this project.



  1. Hey kevin nice to hear that you will take charge of the site, it will be great to have a place to talk about news/rumors/ideas for smallville, superman and dc stuff in general. I would say probably go 50 50 on smallville and superman news/rumors. As for the site itself, maybe a redesign look would be best to go. As for staying a blog page like it is now, or going to a website/blog set up like some other movie/tv news sites. I a forum site would be nice but things did get a bit out of hand their. so i would probably say do it like how SHH/latino review/moviehole are set up a website like design, but still have a place were we can decuss news/rumors on both smallville/superman, with maybe a designated side site for smallville discussions once the season starts up in september.

  2. Yeah I am currently leaning with keeping this blog the way it is now for the time being and just updating it with news, rumors, speculation and my own thoughts on things regarding Smallville and other Superman properties.

  3. yea for now probably keeping it the way it is, with maybe just a redesign look to the site would be good to do.

    Though i do say maybe after you are in charge for a bit maybe moving the site to a shh/comingsoon/moviehole/latinoreview/slashfilm type of look would be good too. That way we get new news posted and we can comment about it. Then like i said maybe make a side forum page/blog side to discuss things more fully then in a standar comment page.

  4. hi kevin not sure if it was u or steve that emailed me but thanks guys im the new host of this site heres my new blog

  5. Do you got an email address we can contact you at?

  6. Don't know what kind of joke you're running clarklois1 but this site was handed to me and the email is still the same as the one provided in the final post for the old administrator. I now have access to that email if anyone needs to contact me for anything.

  7. hi webhead im the new admin! hows everyone heres my blog!

  8. no kind of joke i have the password and the username com it was emailed to me Sorry NO JOKE AT ALL

  9. sorry kevin i have been given acces as well so maybe the jokes on you def not on

  10. Kev and CL1, the three of us (including me) are admins here. It's cool, chill.

  11. def know joke this site was handed to me as well! told u i wasnt joking!lol

  12. im clarklois1 dude im an dmin s

  13. im a new admin as well andre aka clarklois1 and heres my blog here

  14. Oh ok, I didn't realize that the admin process was split between the three of us. This could actually be a good thing as it will allow new ideas between the three of us. Again, I apologize as I just got a basic email with the account information.

    I guess we will not be changing the website from it's current design and instead continuing the blog as it is, with new content. So hopefully this will work out well this way.


    Were going to need a way to work together and have all of our names in the credit.


  15. It's not about credit guys. I think you guys should keep it as close to what was originally intended as possible. Try not to post rumors about anything unless you specifically state they are rumors.

    As much as I love Smallville, if you guys are going to concentrate on Smallville 80% of the time, then a name change may be in order.

    And, here's hoping you guys keep the site mature as possible. Don't let the ugliness return if possible.

    Other than that, good luck!!!

  16. LOL, this is funny. First only Colors new it was a joint committee. Then this Andre guy is now acting like he just one the lottery and posted his own pic like he's running the show in the "about me" heading with all his personal information, lol???

    Isn't this suppose to be about savesuperman?? & why would savesuperman post 80% SV news?? I think Kevin had the best idea with starting fresh and new. Even with the same name you could start new in many ways. I think this site just took yet another wrong turn which pains me to say.

    Things could have been so much different, this whole mess with Emily & Steve really sucks.

  17. Thanks guys for taking it on.

    The nice thing about the blog was the inside contacts you had with WB and the industry. Will that continue?

    This site seemed more accurate that the actual film sites re: Superman. Look at that probably bogus story IESB put out. The accuracy of this site made it great. Hope that can continue.

  18. Frankly I haven't been here for some time since the website turned back into a blog. I got sick and tired hearing of all the bullcrap about the last Superman movie and all of its fans and it seems like the website still haven't changed much. I still see some people are still talking about it and how much they hated it and its fans as well. Can you just seriously shut up about it and move on and leave that community alone already for crying out loud? There is another reason I haven't been here for a while because some just want to come down on me just because I liked the last movie which was really stupid, pointless, and waste of time. Honestly I don't care much for it anymore because I truly want a much better movie and cast. I'm really blown away what I saw in the 5 minutes never-before trailer of Season 9 of Smallville when I was at Comic-Con last Sunday. It was awesome. I like to come back and support the campaign again if people start acting maturely and be civilized especially not to come down on me either. I like the idea of having an IP Board if we get really maturely, civilized, and responsible administrators and moderators to run it.
